1. Write a Program to accept a number and print the number in reverse order. E.g. if 1324 is the number then the output will be 4231 in C language 2. Write a Program to accept a number and print sum of it’s digits in C language 3. Write a program to accept a number from user and check it it is Armstrong number or not i.e. 153 = 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 153 in C language 4. Write a program to print following outputs in C language * ** *** **** 5. Write a program to print following outputs in C language **** *** ** * 6. Write a program to print following outputs in C language A BBB CCCCC DDDDDDD 7. Write a program to print outputs in C language. ABCDE EDCBA ABCD DCBA ABC CBA AB BA A A 8. Write a program to accept a number from user and print it’s factorial in C language Eg: factorial of 5 is:- 5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1=120 9. How to get the first and the last element of a linked list ...