Linux Assignments - Practise


Concept: Basic commands in UNIX, Filters, Pipes
Objective: Participant will be able to:
·         Execute Basic Unix commands
·         Implement the concepts of Pipes and Filters
·         Work with vi editor


Section 1:
1.       List all the files and sub directories of the directory /bin.
2.       List all the files including hidden files in your current directory.
3.       List all the files starting with letter ‘r’ in your current directory.
4.       List all the files having three characters in their names, from your current directory.
5.       List all the files with extension ‘.doc’ in your current directory.
6.       List all the files having the first letter of their name within the range ‘l’ to ‘s’, from your current directory.
7.       Create a file ‘text1’ and read its input from the keyboard.
8.       Copy the contents of file ‘text1’ to another file ‘text2’.
9.       Append the contents of file ‘text2’ to file ‘text1’.
10.   Count the number of files in the current directory.
11.   Display the output of commands ‘ls -l’ to a file and on the output screen.
12.   From file ‘text1’ print all lines starting from 10th line.
13.   Find the number of users currently logged on to the system.
14.   Delete all files with their names starting with ‘tmp’.

Section 2:
1.       Display your current working directory.
2.       Create following directory structure under your Home directory
(Note: Your home directory is where you login into.)
3.       List detailed information about all the files and directories of ‘Hardware’ directory while your current directory is still the home directory.
4.       Change your current directory to ‘SYS’ and list the names of all files and sub directories in the directory sub tree that starts from your home directory.
5.       Copy the file ‘SCANNER’ to directory ‘SYSTEM’ while your current directory is ‘APPL’.
6.       Rename the file ‘SCANNER’ to ‘SCAN’.
7.       Read some text from keyboard and append it to the file ‘SCAN’.
8.       Remove the directory sub tree starting from ‘SYSTEM’ in one go.

Section 3:
1.       Count the total number of words in file ‘text1’.
2.       List the contents of ‘ls’ command page wise.
3.       Create a file ‘FILE2’ with some text in it. Increase the no. of hard links to the ‘FILE2’ to 3 and check the inode number and link count for those names.
4.       Using one single command, display the output of ‘who’ and ‘pwd’ commands.
5.       Display the system dare in following format:
Today is Friday, 17 May 96
6.       Display the following text message on the monitor screen.
Deposited $100 to your account
7.       Display the following message on the monitor.
The long listing of my home dir …………. is ………………
(Hint: Use ls -l and pwd commands)
8.       Use find command to locate the following within your home directory tree:
a)       Files with extension ‘.c’ or ‘.pl’
b)      Directories having permission ‘755’
c)       Files having permission 655
d)      Files having inode number 12122
e)      Files which have not been accessed for more than a year and save the list in Old_File
f)        Files whose size is greater than 1024 bytes

Section 4:
1.       Using vi editor:
a)       Create a file “Data1.txt’
b)      Save the file and exit from the vi editor.
c)       Open the vi editor without specifying a file name
d)      Write some text and save it to a file ‘MyData2.txt’
e)      Repeat point (c) but after writing some text don’t save and just exit ‘v’
2.       Create a file using vi editor and enter the following text in it:
Unix Unix Unix Unix Unix
Unix is multi user operating system, Unix is multi tasking operating system
Everything on Unix is a file.
Unix File structure is hierarchical like an upside down tree.
Regular files cannot contain another file, or directory
Directory File Contains directory(s) and/or file(s) within it
Device files are used to represent physical devices.
Symbolic link is an indirect pointer to a file
a)       Save the file without exiting vi.
b)      Display the line from within vi
c)       Move first three lines of the file to the end of the file.
d)      Copy 5th line and paste above the first line.
e)      Search the word Unix in forward direction.
f)        Search the word Unix in backward direction.
g)       Replace all the occurrences of the word Unix with UnixOS


Concept: Shell Scripting
Objective: Participant will be able to understand and implement:
·         Regular expressions and grep
·         Shell fundamentals
·         Using basic UNIX commands and filters as building blocks
·         The commands as conditions for decision making in shell scripts
·         Shell scripting commands


1.       `List only the directories in your current director
2.       Display the name and count of the directories in the current directory
3.       Find out whether the users with a pattern ‘xx’ in their names have logged in
4.       Find out whether a particular user ‘xxx’ has logged
5.       Assign a value ‘Black’ to ‘var1’ and then display the following message on the terminal using this variable,
Black belt is associated with karate
6.       Create the file employee.txt having colon (:) separated fields.
The fields of the record are: enumber, ename, eposition, esal, edoj, edept.
And now answer the following:
a.       List all the employees along with a row number
b.       Sort the file as per the names
c.       List top three salaried employees
d.       Remove duplicate records from the file
e.       List dept. no along with no. of employees working in each dept
f.        Sort the file in descending order of salary
7.       Accept a file name and a number (x). Display x lines from the top of the file. Check if the file exists and is readable. The value of x should not exceed the total number of lines in the files. Display suitable messages in case an error is encountered.
8.       Write a menu-based script which displays the following options:
1.       Make a file.
2.       Display contents
3.       Copy the file
4.       Rename the file
5.       Delete the file
6.       Exit

Enter your option:

If the user selects option 1, accept a file name from the user. If the file exists, then display an error message pass the control to the menu. If the file does not exist, then allow the user to enter some data. Pressing “^D” would save the contents and display the menu.

If the user selects option 2, then accept a file name from the user. If the file exists, then display the contents of the file. If the file does not exist, then display suitable error message. After this process, display the menu to accept another option.

Selecting option 3 allow the user to accept the source file and target file. If the source file exists and is readable, then accept the target file name. If the source file foes not exist, then display suitable error message. If the target file does not exist, then copy the contents of the source file to the target file. If the target file exits, then display suitable message and go back to the menu.

Option 4 is similar to option 3 but rename the file instead of copying.

Selecting option 5 allows the user to enter a file name. If the file exists, then check to see if it is writable. If so, then delete the file with confirmation from the user. If the file does not exist, then display suitable error message.

                Option 6 should allow the user to come out of the menu.
9.       Write a menu-based script which displays the following options:
Accept roll number, name, marks in sub1, sub2 and sub3. Calculate total, percentage, grade and class and enter the record in a file “student”. The marks are out of 100 in each subject. Allow the user to enter any number of records.

Grade is found as follows:
Percentage         Grade
<35                         Fail
>=35 & <50         Third
>=50 & < 60        Second
>=60 & < 75        First
>=75                      Distinction

If the student scores <35 in any one of the subjects, then class = “fail”. Otherwise class=”Pass”.
10.   Accept roll number from the user at the command line. Search it in the “student” file. If it is present, then display name, percentage, grade and class of the student. If the roll number is not present, then display a message “not found”. Allow the user to enter any number of queries.
11.   Accept the roll number from the user. Search it in the file. If it is present, then delete the respective record from the “student” file. Get the confirmation from the user before deleting the record from the file. If the roll number is not present, then display suitable error message.
12.   Write a menu-based shell script which will perform arithmetic operation on two numbers which are inputted by user. Menu should display the following operation

                        1: Addition
                        2: Subtraction
                        3: Multiplication
                        4: Division
                        5: Exit

13.   Write a shell script that will remove a file taken as command line argument after taking the proper backup of file in /home/user1/backup directory
14.   Write a shell script that will accept a string from the user. Copy all contents of the file to other file without that string. Also display number of characters, lines, and words.
15.   Write a shell script which will generate the O/P as follows
16.   Write a shell script which will accept three numbers from the keyboard and finds the largest of them.
17.   Write a shell script which will accept three numbers from the keyboard and finds the smallest of them.
18.   Write a shell script which will calculate the factorial of an integer entered from the keyboard.
19.   Count total number of files in the current directory containing the text “UNIX” in them.
(Note: Prepare a few files with some text as well as the text “UNIX” in them to test it)
20.   Write a shell script to copy one file to another line by line.
(Hint: May use head/tail filters)
21.   Write a shell script that displays the name of all ordinary files in the current directory having execute permission for the owner.
22.   Write a shell script which allows a menu-based selection of whether a user wants to:
a.       List the contents of his HOME directory
b.       List the contents of another user’s HOME directory
c.       Display only the login name along with the terminal addresses of all the users currently logged on to the system
d.       Exit the script


1.       Write a shell script which will generate the O/P as follows:
2.       Accept the first name, middle name, and last name of a person in variable fname, mname and lname respectively. Greet the person (take his full name) using an appropriate message.
3.       Display the names of files in the current directory along with the names of files with maximum & minimum size. The file size is considered in bytes.
4.       Write a script which when executed checks out whether it is a working day or not?
(Note: Working days Mon-Fri)
5.       Write a script that accepts a member into TTT health club, if the weight of the person is within the range of 30-250kgs.
6.       Write a script that greets the user with an appropriate message depending on the system time.
7.       A data file has some student records including rollno, names and subject marks. The fields are separated with a “:”. Write a shell script that accepts rollno from the user, searches it in the file and if the roll number is present allows the user to modify one record at a time.
8.       Modify program 7 to accept the roll number from the command line.
9.       Modify program 7 to accept the roll number and display the record and ask for delete confirmation. Once confirmed, delete the record and update the data file.
10.   Write a script that takes a command line argument and reports on its file type (regular file, directory file, etc.) For more than one argument generate error message.
11.   Add some student records in the “student” file manually. The fields to be considered are “RollNo”, “Name”, “Marks_Hindi”, “Marks_Maths”, “Marks_Physics”. Write a script which does the following,
a.       If the roll number already exists, then store the record and the following message “roll number exists” in a log file “log1”.
b.       If the marks in the subjects is not in the range of 1-99 then store such a record followed by a message “marks out of range” in “log1”
c.       If the data is valid, then calculate total, percentage, grade and display on the terminal.
12.   Create a data file “master” and enter some records manually. The record comprises of batch code, faculty name and number of students. Keep number of students as 0 initially.

Write a script that accepts the batch code and searches it in the “master” file.
If it present, then allow the user to enter any number of records in a file with the name same as the batch code itself.
These records should have the fields RollNo, Name and marks in Hindi, Maths and Physics.
Keep updating the number of student’s field in “master” file.
13.   Create a library of shell functions to do the following:
Function to concatenate 2 strings. Pass 2 strings as parameters to function.
Function to find out the length of a given string. Pass string as a parameter to function.
Function to compare two strings. Pass 2 strings as parameters to function.
Function to check if string is palindrome or not. Pass string as a parameter to function.
Function to print given string in reverse order. Pass string as a parameter to function.
14.   Assignments on “sed” command

EmpData (Sample Database – save in a file)

1122|j.b. saxena              |g.m                      |account     |12/12/52|6000
2233|n.k. gupta                                |d.g.m                  |sales           |31/12/40|9000
4545|anil agarwal            |director              |account     |06/07/47|7500
5656|lalit choudhury     |executive          |marketing |07/09/50|5000
1265|chanchal singhvi   |g.m.                     |admin        |12/09/63|6000
0110|shyam sakxena     |chairman           |marketing |12/12/43|8000
5566|jai sharma               |director              |account     |23/12/89|7000
7733|Jayant                       |d.g.m                  |sales           |29/02/70|6000

a.       From the above database substitute the delimiter of first 3 lines with “:”
b.       From the above database substitute the delimiter with “:”
c.       Insert the string “MySpc Employees” in the first line.
d.       Store the lines pertaining to the directors, d.g.m and g.m. into three separate files.
e.       Using address store first 4 lines into a file Empupdate.
f.        Find the pattern “account” in the database and replace that with “accounts”.
g.       Select those lines which do not have a pattern “g.m”.
h.       Insert a blank line after every line in the database.


Concept: Awk scripting and case study
Objective: Participant will be able to understand and implement:
·         Awk scripting
·         Write shell scripts and embed Awk scripts with it


1.       Consider the results are stored in following format:

EmpID                   Name                    Subject                 Marks (/50)
E001                       Nilesh                   Unix                       30
E002                       Nilesh                   DSA                        30
Like these you have 10 records (5 of DSA and 5 of Unix)
Calculate the avg score secured in Unix and DSA and the first 2 toppers in Unix and DSA each.
2.       Write a script to get the report of the users logged on to the system in the following formats. (Records should be sorted on logging time)
Header must include company name and Date
Records in the format
Username Logged-in-time Terminal
Tailor should include total number of users logged in.
3.       Consider a text file containing the number of records (colon separated fields) in the format:

Write a script to get the result of “UNIX” Subject in the format (Considering the data file has TotMarks=50 for UNIX)


The header of the report must contain total marks and the tailor must specify the percentage result for that subject.
Also generate another summary result containing total number of participants appeared, total number of participants passed, and Name of the participants ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd with their total score.

4.       Create a emp_mast and dept_mast files containing following details,

Generate the payslip as shown below by passing the empno as parameter to the Awk script.
Empno                  1001
Deptno                 10
Job                         MGR
Currency              INR
BASIC                    10,000.00
HRA                         4,000.00
CONVEYANCE      9,600.00
MEDICAL               5,000.00
Total Earnings:  28,000.00
                PF                           1200.00
                PROF_TAX            200.00
                TDS                        1600.00
                Net Pay:               25000.00
                Note: Check empno before passing to Awk script.

5.       Generate a report as given below by passing the deptno to Awk script

Deptno : 10                         Dname :  Admin

EmpNo                 Name                    Job
1001                       Ketan                    MGR
1002                       Sachin                   CLERK

Note: Check deptno before passing to Awk34   script

6.       Consider the Arizona roster as an input data file for this exercise. Using any combination of the text-processing utilities listed below, write a one-line shell command that performs each of the following tasks.
(a)    Reports the number of players on the roster
(b)    Displays the roster in order by jersey number
(c)     Displays the roster in alphabetical order by surname
(d)    Displays the heaviest five players
(e)    Displays all players who attended Wisconsin

The Roster is given below:

JersyNo|Name,surname, |linebackers|Weight | Date | Experience| Country
20|Anderson, Damien     |RB 5’10”     | 212          | 07/17/1279   | 3 | Northwestern

30|Ayanbadejo, Oba        |FB 6’02”      |235           |03/05/1975       |5| San Diego
92|Berry, Bert                   | DE 6’03”      | 250          |08/15/1975       |7|NotreDame
81|Boldin, Anquan          |WR 6’01”      |215           |10/03/1980       |2|FloridaState
91|Bryant, Wendell        |DT 6’04”       |303           |09/12/1980       |3|Wisconsin
35|Carter, Dyshod           |DB 5’10”       |197           |06/18/1978       |2|Kansas State
52|Fisher, Levar               |OLB 6’01”     |235           |07/02/1979       |3|North Carolina
11|Fitzgerald, Larry         |WR 6’04”      |229           |08/31/1983       |10|Pittsburgh
63|Garcia, Frank              |G 6’02”          |302          |01/28/1972       |10|Washington
64|Grace, Steven            |C 6’03”          |295           |02/13/1979       |3|Arizona
84|Hamilton, Lawrence |WR 6’03”      |205           |08/31/1980       |2|StephenF.Austin


  1. Where can we find answers to these assignment questions?

  2. Where can we find answers to these assignment questions?


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